Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.DataInput
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.DataInput


public class DataInput
extends Object
implements DataItem, MutableImmediateAccess, DataItemAddition

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.DataInput()
 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.DataInput(String, Dimension)

Method Index

 o addDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener)
Adds DataItemChangedListener to internal list so that they could be sent DataItemChangedEvents when the data item is changed.
 o cleanUp()
 o getName()
Gets the Name of the Data Input Format: "TableName
 o getPresentationString()
 o getStatusFlag()
 o getValueAsObject()
Gets the value of the Data Input as a Object
 o getValueAsString()
Gets the value of the Data Input as a String
 o notifyDataChanged()
 o removeDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener)
Removes DataItemChangedListeners from an internal list The object will no longer be sent DataItemChangedEvents when a bound property changes.
 o setName(String)
Sets the Name of the Data Input Format: "TableName
 o setStatusFlag(int)
Initializes the Data Input
 o setValue(ImmediateAccess)
Sets the value of the Data Input


 o DataInput
public DataInput()
Constructor. An empty constructor

 o DataInput
public DataInput(String name,
                 Dimension size)
Constructor. Constructs a data item from its name and its size

name - The name.
size - The size.


 o addDataItemChangedListener
public synchronized void addDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener dcl)
Adds DataItemChangedListener to internal list so that they could be sent DataItemChangedEvents when the data item is changed.

dcl - An object implementing the DataItemChangedListener interface.
 o cleanUp
public void cleanUp()
 o getName
public java.lang.String getName()
Gets the Name of the Data Input Format: "TableName@column1,column2%numberOfRow"

The name of the Data Input.
 o getPresentationString
public java.lang.String getPresentationString()
 o getStatusFlag
public int getStatusFlag()
 o getValueAsObject
public java.lang.Object getValueAsObject()
Gets the value of the Data Input as a Object

The value of the Data Input as a Object.
 o getValueAsString
public java.lang.String getValueAsString()
Gets the value of the Data Input as a String

The value of the Data Input as a String.
 o notifyDataChanged
public void notifyDataChanged()
 o removeDataItemChangedListener
public synchronized void removeDataItemChangedListener(DataItemChangedListener dcl)
Removes DataItemChangedListeners from an internal list The object will no longer be sent DataItemChangedEvents when a bound property changes.

dcl - The DataItemChangedListener to remove.
 o setName
public void setName(String name)
Sets the Name of the Data Input Format: "TableName@column1,column2%numberOfRow"

name - The name of the Data Input.
 o setStatusFlag
public void setStatusFlag(int i)
Initializes the Data Input

d - The desired Dimension for a data input.
 o setValue
public void setValue(ImmediateAccess newValue)
Sets the value of the Data Input

newValue - An immediate access object necessary to change the value of the data input.

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